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2010 Fall & MIssions Revival

Bishop E.M. Jackson, Senior Pastor

What an Awesome Time! The 2010 Fall & Missions Revival was a great success in the Holy Ghost! The prayer team began the a week ahead of time meeting at the church for noon day prayer getting the atmosphere prepared for a move of God. That Thursday Night during the "West Texas Prayer Meeting" the Lord truly met us there- the church prayed (for over an hour) and praised and magnified the Lord for His awesome presence.


On Friday Night 11/5, the power of God moved us into a higher plane with prayer and as the Lord use yours truly to minister on "Its A Crazy World" - a reality check and encouragement to the body of Christ to know that no matter the world is doing or going that there is still an answer for this crazy world - whose direction is going according to the plan of God - but the Christian to continue in the plan and process that the Lord has begun in them.


On Saturday Night 11/6, we had a pinch hitter (Pastor Jonathan Brackens), all I can say is Wow! - the Lord took us up higher as he began to expound in the word on the "seed of God". Knowing that if you don't have an understanding of the word that has been preached, taught or ministered - then it exposes you to demonic attack. Just like the birds that came out an picked the seed from the "stony ground" seed receivers. You must individual question the text to see if you understand or get clarification. The ministry of word and personal ministry took us into a higher dimension in God. WOW!


Now on Sunday morning 11/7, the missionary and international travelling evangelist herself, Sis Stephens took us into the heavenly realm in the word of God with the seed itself and what it produces and what God expects and how we are blessed in it. It is the earnest expectation of the creature, the grown within and it produces a reflection of what and who God is. Wow! what depth and revelation in the word! then in ministry the Lord meet the needs and the Power of the Lord fell in a tremendous way. It was a Holy Ghost shake down!


If you were there, you know what I’m talking bout! WOWWWWWWWWWW!

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